Once upon a Runway release
I've committed a year to volunteering and during my tenure I hope to develop it's already-darling brand into something protected whi

Once upon a well-laid plan.
The key to all this annual craziness is a well-laid plan. Yes, there are still late nights and frenzied moments but they are far fewer and s

Once upon an epiphany's thought.
With or without the cake (and my preference is always with), it’s an interesting time to reflect on all the new plans and dreams you’ve had

Once upon a new year plan.
For the past few years, I’ve practiced something different than the traditional New Year’s Resolution project – though I have also selected

Once upon a time, Pantone picked purple!
Ultra Violet that is...as Pantone recently announced it to be their 2018 “Color of the Year.” Even if you haven’t met me, surely by now you

Once upon a time, I folded.
Inspired by the sixty-second super-cool fold of the week videos I've previously raved about, I recently set out on a challenge to design

Once upon a time, as the story goes.
Statistics are compelling, images hold their own might power, but if you ever want to grab my full attention, I suggest you start with, “Onc

Once upon a time, I studied Stanton.
You may think you don’t know Andrew Stanton, but if you’ve watched Finding Nemo, WALL-E, Toy Story, or Monsters, Inc. - you’re already frien

Once upon a time, I studied the STORY gathering.
Each year, the STORY organizers hold a two-day conference meant to inspire and instruct. During the event, a variety of speakers from many b

Once upon a time, I studied the story of Don Miller.
I’ve loved Don and his books for a while now, drawn in by his idea that faith is not a formula, but a relationship. His writing has a specia