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Once upon a time, we celebrated Trippdependence day.

We had such a fabulous Fourth of July celebration at our house that I wanted to share the day with you!

Now, about the title of this know how sometimes life is busy, right? As in... sometimes its so busy you find yourself squishing both a national holiday and your husband’s birthday into a single event, yes? That’s a real thing. At least for us it is.

So, for Trippdependence Day, we invited some of our favorite people – our tribe, really – to a casual celebration...about a month late for Tripp’s birthday. Life. Busy. Okay? We were on time for Independence Day!

Say hi to our friends and our fabulous buffet – cooked by the birthday boy! Everyone brought treats to add to the main menu and suddenly, we had enough food for two holidays.

The birthday boy!
Our friend, Cody, modeling proper pie-eating behavior.
The snack table.
Cherry Pie!
Blueberry Pie!

The celebration mostly consisted of chatting, snacking, gaming...and general goofiness (as noted above). Then, when nightfall finally hit, we traipsed out to play with fireworks! Family, fun, food, and fireworks – ingredients for a great day!

Friends. Chosen Family. Tribe.

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