- Corporate Rebrand -
RamQuest was a booming software company in the early 90’s, but over twenty years the brand had lost much of its impact. Product lines had expanded without hierarchy, leadership had evolved, and a general melancholy enrobed the brand both internally and throughout the industry.
Outside of the equity discovered in the corporate name, no other element was sacred and all were examined as part of a rebranding exercise. New branding assets, voice, and positioning were developed to help convey the new spirit of the company. The new RamQuest emerged to industry-wide applause.

Rebranding workshops offer valuable insight. For RamQuest, we held a number of sessions that included the entire company...exploring the culture's character, arena, positioning, and more.

Workshops also help refine a brand's essence. With RamQuest leadership, we defined the brand's place in the industry and its personality.

Mood boards help define a brand's look and feel. After conducting work sessions and industry interviews, I developed a series of options to present to the leadership team. This mood board was selected for its ability to add a more casual tone and to celebrate the artisanal tones in the brand story.

Working in grey-scale helps to focus on a design's structure. This logo form was selected to highlight the RQ - a natural occurrence in the industry, and a mosaic that would allow the brand to tease out its relationship with customers, service partners, and more.

Color can change the mood of a logo. We originally assumed we wanted a mosaic, three-color logo but in color representations a two-color option was the better design.

This rebrand launch advertisement tells the brand's new story, using craft-like design features and the brand's new color palette.